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Những chất cấm sử dụng trong mỹ phẩm

Danh sách các chất cấm sử dụng trong mỹ phẩm được quy định cụ thể tại Phụ lục II của Hiệp định mỹ phẩm ASEAN.

Trích dẫn một phần nội dung của Phụ lục II:

Substances CAS Number Ref. No
Aminophylline 317-34-0 A1136
Theophylline 58-55-9 A1137
Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane) 75-09-2 A1138
Chlorofluorocarbons - A1139
Diethylene glycol (except if it is present as unavoidable trace limit of 0.1% in finished product) 111-46-6 A1140
Azelaic acid 123-99-9 A1141
Bimatoprost 155206-00-1 A1142
N-5-Chlorobenzoxazol-2-ylacetamide 35783-57-4 1
2-Acetoxyethyltrimethylammonium hydroxide (acetylcholine) and its salts 51-84-3/2260-50-6/927-86-6/66-23-9/60-31-1 2
Deanol aceglumate (INN) 3342-61-8 3
Spironolactone (INN) 52-01-7 4
[4-(4-Hydroxy-3-iodophenoxy)-3,5-diiodophenyl] acetic acid and its salts 51-24-1 5
Methotrexate (INN) 59-05-2 6
Aminocaproic acid (INN) and its salts 60-32-2 7
Cinchophen (INN), its salts, derivatives and salts of these derivatives 132-60-5 8
Thyropropic acid (INN) and its salts 51-26-3 9
Trichloroacetic acid 76-03-9 10
Aconitum napellus L. (leaves, roots and galenical preparations) 84603-50-9 11
Aconitine (principal alkaloid of Aconitum napellus L.) and its salts 302-27-2 12
Adonis vernalis L. and its preparations 84649-73-0 13
Epinephrine (INN) 51-43-4 14
Rauwolfia serpentina alkaloids and their salts 90106-13-1 15
Alkyne alcohols, their esters, ethers and salts 927-74-2/107-19-7 16
Isoprenaline (INN) 7683-59-2 17
Allyl  isothiocyanate 57-06-7 18
Alloclamide (INN) and its salts 5486-77-1 19
Nalorphine (INN), its salts and ethers 62-67-9 20
Sympathicomimetic amines acting on the central nervous system: any substance contained in the first list of medicaments which are subject to medical prescription and  referred to in Resolution AP(69) 2 of the Council of Europe 300-62-9 21
Aniline, its salts and its halogenated and sulphonated derivatives 62-53-3 22
Betoxycaine (INN) and its salts 3818-62-0 23
Zoxazolamine (INN) 61-80-3 24
Procainamide (INN), its salts and derivatives 51-06-9 25
Benzidine 92-87-5 26
Tuaminoheptane (INN), its isomers and salts 123-82-0 27
Octodrine (INN) and its salts 543-82-8 28
2-Amino-1,2-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)ethanol and its salts 5934-19-0 29
1,3-dimethylpentylamine and its salts 105-41-9 30
4-Aminosalicylic acid and its salts 65-49-6 31
Toluidines, their isomers, salts and halogenated and sulphonated derivatives 26915-12-8 32
Xylidines, their isomers, salts and halogenated and sulphonated derivatives 87-62-7/1300-73-8/95-68-1 33
lmperatorin (9-(3-methylbut-2-enyloxy) furo(3,2-g) chromen-7-one) 482-44-0 34
Ammi majus and its galenical preparations) 90320-46-0 35
2,3-Dichloro-2-methylbutane 507-45-9 36
Substances with androgenic effect - 37
Anthracene oil 90640-80-5 38
Antibiotics - 39
Antimony and its compounds 7440-36-0 40
Apocynum cannabinum L. and its preparations 84603-51-0 41
Apomorphine ((R)-5,6,6a,7-tetrahydro-6-methyl-4H-dibenzo [de,g]-quinoline-10,11-diol) and its salts 58-00-4/314-19-2/41372-20-7 42
Arsenic and its compounds 7440-38-2 43
Atropa belladonna L. and its preparations 8007-93-0 44
Atropine, its salts and derivatives 51-55-8 45
“Barium salts, with the exception of barium sulphide under the condition laid down in Annex III part 1 reference # 23, and the barium sulphate, lakes, salts, and pigments prepared from colouring agents listed in Annex IV” 7440-39-3 46

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Tin chú ý khác
10/03/2016 11:30
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25/02/2016 12:25
Công bố mỹ phẩm trực tuyến cần chuẩn bị những gì?
23/02/2016 17:22
Biểu mẫu công bố mỹ phẩm trực tuyến
13/11/2015 14:25
Tiếp nhận, công bố sản phẩm mỹ phẩm trực tuyến
13/11/2015 14:11
Bộ Y tế công bố 14 dịch vụ công trực tuyến mức độ 4
Công ty TNHH Tư vấn - Thương mại BESCO
Số 19 ngách 33/26 phố Vĩnh Phúc, Ba Đình, Hà Nội

Số người truy cập: 101.992

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